Devlog #08 : Production sprint 2, 2nd week!

Hey everyone! Welcome to week 8 of our devlog for SKalley!

The second week of the second sprint has just concluded, we are nearing the end of our production! Let's take a look what we have to share with you this week!

We added RFX for the first time in our game, this will improve player feedback and also improve the overall feel of the game, see below for a couple samples of RFX's done.

New levels
Some new levels are nearing completion and are currently under testing. We still expect to add a couple more level prefabs using our newly created car traffic spawner which we'll demonstrate to you in a bit!

Bounty posters
The game now shows some bounties of each player. A star essentially means this player has won one round. You can now clearly see progress on who's winning the game at the moment, and also of course target the top player. This was actually a more difficult thing to implement then expected due to saving data and carrying over to the next session, assigning stars to the correct person, resetting if you start a new game...

But so far, we're glad the system's in place, all's that left to do is make it look better! It's currently using a placeholder.

Car traffic spawner
Last week we had a policecar trap, we decided to utilize this behaviour to be put in a different kind of environmental hazard, now you have to watch your step as there can be cars zooming past the alleyway. it works similar to the policecar, only it spawns infinitely and within a random time interval with a random speed. It's using a weighted spawning to give a good balance and variety to 3 different car models and of course colors

Bug fixes & QoL changes
Level generation won't spawn 2x of the same section even if mirrored
Level generation now works on weighted spawning, so you might see some sections more often then others
Shield powerup now protects the player against cars

Countdown no longer starts again if players gather in the readyUpZone again.

We have spotted a few minor bugs that won't affect gameplay much, but we are working on fixing them! We only wish our game to be enjoyable and fun to play with friends and bug-free!

Well that does it for this week's devlog, the SKalley team will see you around next week where we share our last new stuff before entering polishing phase!

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48 days ago

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