Devlog #06 : Production sprint 1, week 2

Hey everyone! Welcome to week 6 of our devlog for SKalley!

This week we worked hard as usual to make our game the best that there is. That means we want the most fun game aswell! We focused on player interaction and comfort this week. We would love to share with you our progress on some of these developments.

We noticed that we have some blind spots when playing the game with the new camera setup, aside from that we also wanted to improve visibility of the players in the game to themselves. Therefore we added a new kind of shader that outlines the player even behind objects such as walls.

Aside from that, we continued to work on finishing the textures for some meshes and added new ones. They are looking to be wonderful so far!

Another notable development is that we're actively experimenting with level design as we speak. We want to have more engagement with players, we are also considering the possibility of interactive environment, so stay tuned for the upcoming weeks!

On the programming side we spent some time implementing some interactivity between players, when they bump into each other, newton's law is applied of action-reaction. 

One thing we also wanted to rework is camera-movement, the camera is now more dynamic and smooth, it follows the player furthest away and follows it, but in case it's not moving as fast as expected, it will continue moving on its own and faster over time.

Environmental hazards, with the idea of more interactive level design we experimented with hazards such as oil spills where the player gets a slippery status effect for some time, with this status effect, they get decreased control over their player, ranging from no friction, less brakepower and harder to control rotation.

A small yet significant thing to note is that you can now hold to move but it gives a lot less speed compared to actively pushing, we hope that this makes the movement more skate-like.

Outside of this, we also took notice of existing and new bugs and swiftly dealt with them.

The sound system has been finished, currently in the process of pushing the sounds. We have some sound effects present in the game such as moving around, background music. We can expect this to get notable developments in the coming weeks, so ready your ears!

And with that we finished the last week of production sprint 1! See you next week!

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62 days ago

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