Devlog #04 : Finished prototype

Welcome to week 4 of our devlog for SKalley!

This week we decided to focus on adding more gameplay to the game that will make our game fun to play. We would love to share with you our progress on some of these developments.

Level design
This week we decided to put a hold on creating art assets and instead allocate resources to help out with level design and game design of our game. We created more then 3 new prefab sections that paint a pretty good image of what the game's view and level design will look like.

We have added a bunch of new mechanics as well as an improved movement, let's share the juicy details!

Revamped player movement
With very constructive feedback we revamped our player movement to feel more like you're controlling a character on a skateboard.

Now you need to press a button to give yourselves a little push like you would do for a skateboard. Aside from that you gradually lose speed after not giving yourself a boost for a while. We hope that this will make the game feel more immersive and logical to play with.

Interactable objects
We felt that the players should be able to interact with the environment as much as possible for a more fluid and fun experience, who doesn't love interacting with objects?

Multiplayer visual feedback
With some enthusiastic volunteer playtesters, we have tested our gameplay as of now quite a bit now and noticed that it's a lot more fun to play than before, especially with more players. But in order to not cause confusion we have added proper coloring to each different player. in the future, each player will have a different character model to play with!

BouncyTires & barbedwire

Yep! They finally made a return, with bouncy tires you can jump over walled sections otherwise impossible to jump over with a default jump, whereas the barbed wire proves to be a dangerous force to be reckoned with with its knockback & slowdown effect!

Combat between players

The dash ability has been improved to also be able to use to combat other skaters, now the real chaos can begin, by dashing onto another player who's slower than you, you can stun them for a while, which can be massive since to win the game you need to be the last one standing!

A powerup system has been created and is able to spawn various powerups! We are currently in the process of making more power-ups to be able to use. But for now, we have one that works already, and even gave it some basic visual feedback. Enter, the Trashcan lid!

This ad-hoc shield is an excellent way to defend yourself against players who might be scheming to attack you with a dash or baseball bat (future powerup). Using one such powerup also makes you immune to the effects of the barbed wire for its duration

And that does it for this week's devlog, we'll continue to work hard and create a game that is fun and memorable!
See you next week!

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90 days ago

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